Heroes and Legends Charity Golf

The Heroes and Legends Charity Golf Tournament 2023 was a smashing success, as grid iron legends and battlefield heroes united for a good cause.

The list of NFL legends in attendance included: NFL MVP Mark Moseley, Larry Brown, Doc Walker and more than 20 more. They were joined by Medal of Honor Recipient Matt Williams and other heroes.

The day started with a competition for the longest drive while wearing a 96-pound bomb suit. Driving the ball 257 yards, wounded warrior Bobby Henline won the competition, literally, with one hand.

A team of special operations troops then skydived onto the course, for the National Anthem.

In a single hole, more than $32,000 was raised for charity, as the competition for prizes and giveaways heated up.

The day of golf was capped with an awards banquet and silent auction.

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